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Five hidden dangers that lead to the theft of safes

Although many companies are equipped with safes, safes are stolen from time to time. It is often not the quality of the safes, but the negligence of some small details.

1. Personnel who use the safe:

When there are many people using the safe, the confidentiality is poor, and it is easy to cause the leakage of the cryptographic key and the loss of property. Should be equipped with full-time users, full-time openers.

2. Safe password setting:

Many property management personnel think that there is no problem of theft if the safe is set with a password. They do not know that the security of the password setting also directly affects the defense ability of the safe. The password with long digits and low number repetition rate has high security and is not easy to be cracked. , And the number of digits is short, and a simple password is easy for people to see through and easily break through the defense of the safe.

3. Safe password management:

The password of the safe should not be immutable. If it is not a safe structure with a fixed password, the password should be changed at the appropriate time. For example, the cashier transfers work, the custodian resigns, and the property with a high degree of custody should also change the password regularly.

The password has not been changed after leaving the factory, or the frequent transfer of the property management personnel, or the frequent opening of the password in the case of multiple people, will easily cause the leakage of the password.

4. Safe key management:

The keys can be handed over to the safe-use department and the enterprise security department for safekeeping separately, and those handed over to the security department should be sealed for safekeeping.

For example, there was a company that only focused on the safety management of the financial department, but the security department did not have a good containment system. This gave some criminals an opportunity. When he stole the override key, he easily bypassed it. Password password, opened the safe.

5. Formulation of the safe daily use system:

Only when relevant systems are formulated can they be implemented with evidence.

For example, if a person has been away for more than two days during a holiday or the relevant personnel has not sent someone to work on his behalf, he should put a seal on the lock hole of the safe, and then uncover the seal when it is in place. There was once a company that lacked this management system, which caused the property to be stolen many days after it was discovered.

It can be seen that an enterprise without a safe deposit box management system can easily cause users to act casually. Once a theft occurs, it is very likely that there is no evidence to investigate the clues to solve the case.
6. Installation of the safe
It's easy to save trouble. After buying a safe, place it directly on the ground and can be easily carried away directly. The correct installation method of the insurance should be fixed on the wall or underground with fixing bolts to prevent it from being easily removed.

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There are many variations of safe, but the majority have services for all types and sizes.